8 posts

Reaching Further: CPE Level II Learning Goals

At the start of each unit of CPE, we begin by setting learning goals and mapping out how we plan to address them.  Crafting a good learning goal—let alone the 2-5 learning goals you’re probably expected to produce—takes careful consideration and reflection. And nailing down […]

stone angel grieving

Walking faithfully in rage and helplessness

It’s not that I don’t think staying current on the news is important, [but]…in common with many women and men out there, I’ve been feeling as though current events in politics are directly related to painful and shameful parts of my personal history, events I would rather not be invited to relive

My not-so-Final CPE Evaluation: Reflections on Pastoral Authority

When we talk about authority in CPE—and as I talk about it here—we invoke the value and wisdom inherent in each human being’s unique experience…Trusting my voice, trusting that I have something to offer, and trusting the capacity of others to receive it, have all been important elements in my journey to claiming my unique pastoral authority.

"Learning" by Ruth Hartnup

Sample Learning Goals for CPE Level I

My most popular post on this blog, far beyond the rest, has been the Level II CPE Learning Goals I set for myself for the second unit of my residency. With that in mind, I’m aware some may find it useful to see some examples of learning goals I wrote for Level I, back in September 2017 at the start of the first unit of my residency…

A Prayer For Healing, Part 2

Two years ago my parents, partner and I traveled halfway down Baja California, Mexico, to a remote place called Scammon’s Lagoon, where hundreds of gray whales journey each year to mate and give birth. We joined a tour boat that went out on the lagoon, where we sat for about an hour watching as hundreds of whales leapt, mated, and played around us.

Colored light inside church

Light Gets In: Making Room for Mystery

One of my assignments for my current unit of CPE was to write a paper reflecting on my own theological dynamics and how they inform my work in hospital chaplaincy. Below, I share my reflections from the final section of this paper: Ring the bells […]

Charting the Course: My CPE Learning Goals

For my second unit of CPE, these are the three learning goals I’ve crafted for myself, in covenant with my peers and supervisors. They are written in alignment with the Objectives for Level II CPE, as outlined by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.