
4 posts

Some Thoughts On Joy (Advent III)

On this third week of Advent, I was invited to light the candle of Joy in church and to speak about the joys which God is bringing me in the world. As I sat down to reflect on this, I immediately began to wonder why […]

What’s Hope Got to Do With It?

A sermon on Genesis 1:1-5, preached at Park Avenue Christian Church, New York, NY, on November 27, 2022 (Advent I). Watch it on YouTube here. When beginning he, God, created the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was shapeless and formless and bleakness covered […]

neon music sign

Singing into the Dark: Some Thoughts for Advent

…a lot of us walk around with the first two bars of a symphony in our heads, imagining that someday, when we have a better idea of what comes next, we’ll start to play. Some of the most transformative moments in my life happened when a person or incident gave me the strength or abandonment to haul off and play to the end of that second bar and see what came next.

Something New

Coincidentally, my first post comes on the first Sunday of Advent, the start of the new Christian liturgical year. In church this morning we lit the first of four Advent candles, each a reminder and precursor of the greater Light that breaks through on Christmas, […]